Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Call

I was lepak-ing peacefully in my parents' room watching tv.

*my phone rang*

I looked at the screen. Unsurprised. Urggghh.
Quickly switched it to the silent mode.
Then the ringing paused a while.

Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz! It vibrated.

Then, stopped itself.

Bzzz! Bzzz! bzzz! Again.

Silence. Peace.

And Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz! Again?


Mama asked, "Sape tu..? Kenapa tak angkat..?"

I answered her lazily while trying to find the most polite excuse,
"Hmm. Malas... takde mood nak ckp phone ngan sesape today..Kalau sms, Syireen boleh je reply.. Boring lah kalau borak on the phone everyday..."

Mama said, "Kalau everyday dgn kawan2 lain, tak bosan punn..?"

I protested, "Mana ada.. kawan2 lain takde pun call Syireen everyday mcmtuu."

Mama replied, with a motherly advice, "Tak baik buat org mcm tu.. Nanti org buat kat kita nanti.."

before she stepped into the toilet.

Her words made me stared at the closed wooden toilet door for a while.


Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz!

Startled. Turned to my phone that was lying there so weakly, as if asking my sympathy to be picked and answered.

I grabbed it, and pushed the green button.

"Hello, Assalamualaikum.." trying to sound as bubbly as possible.

while walking out of my parents room and into my room.

To seek privacy, I guess.

In my room, talking with the person calling.

Talked about a lot of things. Including our movie date.

I actually had fun talking and listening, I mean, genuinely, yes, it was fun,

and I was laughing and smiling seikhlas hati tak hengat dunia!


the caller asked me,

"Why didnt you reply my fb msg? You're always like that.."

with sulking voice.

I was like. Err.

Suddenly I remembered Mama's words,

and then I felt like crying...!!!!

Ya Allah.. Sumpah rasa nak nangesss!!

I felt soooooo guiltyyyy!!

I heard my inner voice saying,

I'm sorrryyyyyyy!!! I was bad...!!! I was mean for treating you that way.

Ya Allah. Maafkan hambamu ini. Sesungguhnya insan yg sedang bercakap telefon dgnku ini tersangat lah innocent. Ampunkan lah segala kejahatan yg telah aku lakukan, ya Allah..

I tried to hide my about-to-cry voice and I answered calmly, giving the best answer I could think of and deeply, very deeply, apologised.

And my apology accepted.

Phewh.. Alhamdulillah..

And we continued chatting, laughing until "Bubbye, Assalamualaikum.."

then only I realized, we had talked for almost an hour.

And a smile still sticked on my face until I walked back into my parents' room.

After Mama had done with solat Isya' and sunat, she asked me, "Lama borak.."

And I answered, "A'ah...tetiba rasa best plak borak tadi..tak sedar pun sampai sejam.."

with a biiiig grin! :D

"But perhaps you hate a thing although it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing although it is bad for you.
Allah knows, while you do not know."

{Al-Baqarah: 216}

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